Solar Billing Plan (SBP)

For customers with renewable energy self-generation systems (like solar panels) who interconnected on or after April 15, 2023, learn more about Community Power’s Solar Billing Plan and its benefits.

What is SBP?

The Solar Billing Plan (SBP), also known as the Net Billing Tariff, is the new method of compensating customer-sited renewable energy self-generation, intended to promote grid reliability and incentivize solar and battery storage.

SBP helps promote grid reliability during the early evening, when the sun is down and energy use is high, in part by encouraging the pairing of battery storage with all installations through price signals. Batteries can store renewable energy during low-value hours to use and export during high-value, peak evening hours. This in turn helps decrease the need to generate electricity from fossil-fueled power plants.

Existing NEM customers will remain on their current NEM tariff for 20 years from the time their system was permitted by SDG&E and connected to the electric grid, unless they choose to switch to SBP or increase the capacity of their system by more than 10% or 1kW. After their 20-year legacy period, NEM customers will be transitioned to SBP.

SBP differs from NEM in that all electricity consumed (“imported”) and electricity sent to the grid (“exported”) is now measured individually, valued differently from each other, and no longer netted.

  • With SBP, your electricity meter tracks how much electricity you’re consuming (“importing”) versus generating (“exporting”) to the grid and you will receive bill credits for any surplus energy your system delivers back (“exports”) to the power grid.
  • Under SBP, export rates will be based on an “Avoided Cost Calculator” (ACC) instead of retail rates. These rates vary by hour and month and are closely aligned with wholesale rates.
  • SBP customers with renewable energy systems and battery storage can save money and reduce their utility charges by storing generation in the battery during the day and drawing from it during peak periods.

Key Details:

  • Electricity imports and exports are no longer netted by usage volumes (kWh). Only charges and credits are netted.
  • Charges for imports are calculated based on all the imports tracked by your electricity meter multiplied by the rates under the EV-TOU-5 rate schedule.
  • Credits for exports are calculated based on all the exports tracked by your electricity meter multiplied by Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC) rates. These rates vary by hour and month and are closely aligned with wholesale rates.
  • SBP encourages customers to pair their renewable energy systems with battery energy storage systems to store their generation in the battery during the day and export it back to the grid during peak periods.

Benefits of Our Solar Billing Plan

Community Power offers one of the most customer-centric and generous Solar Billing Plans in California. Our tariff was developed with customers in mind and aims to continue the sustainable growth of the solar industry in our region while also promoting grid reliability and incentivizing solar and battery storage.

Generation Adder:

To bring value to our customers and support regional growth in the solar industry, Community Power is providing one of the best generation adders in the state. These adders boost dollar credits generated during electricity export to the grid, thereby reducing the payback period for solar systems so that our customers feel confident in their investments.

We provide two adders:

Standard Residential & Commercial Adder$0.0075
for every kilowatt hour exported
All new residential and commercial customers enrolled in NBT
Not available for NEM customers transitioning to NBT.
Equity Adder$0.11
for every kilowatt hour exported
All new residential customers currently enrolled in the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) or Family Electric Rate Assistance (FERA) program.

Disenrollment or lapse in enrollment in either program will cause customers to receive the Standard Adder.
Not available for NEM customers transitioning to NBT.

Net Surplus Compensation:

As a not-for-profit, community-driven electricity provider, Community Power puts our customers at the center of our offerings. This is why Community Power offers one of the most generous Net Surplus Compensation (NSC) processes for SBP customers. Unlike the for-profit utilities that reclaim a portion of your compensation, we pay you in the exact same manner as NEM customers.

At the time of your standard true up period with SDG&E, Community Power will also conduct an electricity true up for the generation portion of your service. We look at how much electricity you generated versus consumed.

If you generated more than you consumed, we will pay you for adding clean electricity to the local grid at the monthly NSC rate from SDG&E, plus Community Power’s bonus incentive of $0.0075/kWh! Click to view the Community Power True Up Monthly Rate Table.

If your NSC is above $100 per account, we will automatically issue you a check. If your NSC is less than $100, we will carry it forward as a rollover to help offset future consumption charges.

View Example Vea un Ejemplo

Generation Credit Carryover:

By default, customers must now be billed monthly instead of annually. In the case that you incurred Community Power usage charges early in your true up period but end your true up with a credit balance, Community Power will apply those credits to any outstanding charges still due. If you have any credits left, we will carry them over as a bill credit for use in the next true up period for your benefit.

Important Details on Our Solar Billing Plan

Please note: NEM 2.0 will apply to completed interconnection agreements submitted before April 15, 2023, and SBP will apply to any interconnection agreements submitted on or after April 15, 2023.


As established by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), SBP is applicable to all new renewable self-generation systems interconnected on or after April 15, 2023.

The Net Energy Metering (NEM) program is no longer available to new customers unless they interconnected on or before April 14, 2023. The system did not need to be installed prior to this date— only a complete and error-free interconnection application needed to be submitted to SDG&E.

Existing NEM customers will enroll in SBP upon the completion of their 20-year NEM legacy period. NEM 1.0 customers that completed their legacy period prior to December 2023 will be transitioned to SBP at the time of their annual true up date in 2024.

Existing NEM customers that make changes to their system that increases the capacity by more than 10% or 1 kW (whichever is greater) will be transitioned to SBP. Check with your solar installer for more information.

SBP Legacy Periods

New customers that interconnect a new renewable self-generation system under SBP will have a nine-year legacy period.

The SBP legacy period is now tied to the original customer that installed the system and no longer to the system or address. If the original customer moves, the new customer inheriting the system will not get to keep the legacy period. There are two exceptions to this:

  1. For residential customers, the inheriting customer is the legal partner of the original customer, or for commercial customers, the account-holding entity continues to be majority controlled by the same underlying individuals or entities.
  2. A building/contractor sells a new construction home to the new owner.

Additionally, NEM customers transitioning to SBP after completing their 20-year legacy period do not have an SBP legacy period.


Customers served under SBP are required to pay monthly for all applicable charges including the fixed charges and any net charges due to Community Power and SDG&E. The annual billing option is not available under Solar Billing Plan/ Net Billing Tariff.

Billing for Community Power’s SBP will begin for usage on or after December 15, 2023. Customers that interconnected between April 15, 2023 and December 14, 2023 have been temporarily billed under NEM. These customers will experience a true up and will fully transition to Community Power’s SBP on their meter read date on or after December 15, 2023. Because these customers were served under NEM on an interim basis, they are not subject to the 20-year NEM legacy period.

Sample Bill from SDG&E

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Solar Billing Plan (SBP) or Net Billing Tariff (NBT)?

In December 2022, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) voted to modernize the rooftop solar program to better balance the needs of the grid, the environment, and customers. The Solar Billing Plan (SBP), also called the Net Billing Tariff (NBT) and previously referred to as “NEM 3.0”, is the CPUC’s new approach to compensating solar generation, intended to promote grid reliability and incentivize solar and battery storage.

Battery storage can extend the use of renewable energy to peak evening hours when the sun is down and energy use is high. This helps decrease the need to generate electricity from fossil fuels. This reduces overall grid costs, which improves energy affordability for all Californians.

I am a current NEM 1.0 or NEM 2.0 customer – how will the Solar Billing Plan (SBP) or Net Billing Tariff (NBT) impact me?

You will not experience changes to your NEM program status as a result of the SBP roll out, unless:

1. Your generating system’s 20-year NEM legacy period has ended. Once your 20-year NEM legacy period has ended, you will transition from NEM to SBP.

2. You modify your generation facility above CPUC mandated system capacity requirements needed to be in NEM 1.0 or NEM 2.0. You will transition to NBT if you expand your current system by more than 10% of the original system capacity or 1 kW, whichever is larger.

What are the key differences between NEM and SBP?

NEM closed as of April 14, 2023 and beginning April 15, 2023, any interconnection requests received are now served under SBP. Net Energy Metering (NEM) and the Solar Billing Plan (SBP) are different in a number of ways:

  • NEM customers have a legacy period of 20 years from their Permission to Operate (PTO) date, whereas SBP customers will have a legacy period of 9 years from their PTO date.
  • NEM customers are required to take service on a time of use (TOU) rate, whereas SBP customers are required to take service on a “highly differentiated” TOU rate, EV-TOU-5 for Residential customers. This is a special rate plan under which electricity is very expensive during the time of the highest average usage when there is the most stress on the grid, and much less expensive at other times. Non-residential customers will remain on their existing rate schedule.
  • NEM customers’ export rate is based on their Otherwise Applicable Tariff, or retail rates, whereas SBP customers’ export rates will be based on Avoided Cost Calculator (ACC) instead of retail rates. These ACC rates vary by hour and month, rather than by TOU period, and are closely aligned with wholesale rates. ACC rates encourage customers to install battery systems to store their solar generation and export to the grid when the export rate is highest and the grid is most stressed.
  • NEM customers have the option to enroll in annual billing so that their billing is applied once at the end of the year, whereas SBP customers will not be eligible for annual billing and will be charged for consumption on a monthly basis.

How does the Solar Billing Plan (SBP) or Net Billing Tariff (NBT) work?

Each month, you will receive charges for the electricity you used, or “imported”, from the grid, as well as bill credits for any surplus energy your solar system delivers back, or “exports,” to the grid.

On the Solar Billing Plan, charges for electricity usage are based on the time-of-use (TOU) pricing structure, where the price of electricity you use (“import”) varies depending on the TOU period (i.e., On Peak, Off Peak, Super Off Peak).

On the other hand, the credits for electricity that your system generates (“exports”) are based on the value electricity sent to the electric grid which varies by each hour of the day. Electricity exported to the grid will be valued at a price called an “energy export credit”, or “ECC”. The ECC rates are valued similarly to wholesale rates for electricity.

Community Power will apply energy charges and credits on the generation side of your bill, and SDG&E will apply charges and credits on the transmission/delivery side of your bill.

Will Community Power have the same rates and SBP policy or procedures as SDG&E if I take service in SBP (NBT)?

Community Power’s SBP program will be similar to SDG&E’s but with some additional benefits:

  • Community Power will apply adders to SDG&E’s Export Compensation Rate (ECC) hourly prices for customers with new generating systems. This means that exports for Community Power customers on SBP with new generating systems will always be priced higher than those of SDG&E.
    • CARE/FERA customers will have an adder of $0.11 (eleven cents) per kWh on top of SDG&E’s ECC rate.
    • Non-CARE/FERA customers will have an adder of $0.0075 (three quarters of a penny) per kWh of top of SDG&E’s ECC rate.
      • Please note that NEM 1.0 and 2.0 customers that have either completed or terminated their 20-year legacy period will not be eligible for Community Power’s adders.
    • Community Power’s SBP offers an Electricity Export Credit Refund. At the time of the Annual True Up, if you have accumulated Electricity Export Credits in excess of any currently outstanding Community Power charges, those credits will be carried over as a bill credit for use in the next relevant period(s) for up to the total Community Power charges you accrued during the applicable relevant period. Any unused Electricity Export Credits beyond what is carried over as a bill credit for use in the subsequent relevant period(s) up to the total Community Power Electricity Charges you accrued will not be carried forward to the start of a new relevant period, but instead will be zeroed out.
    • Community Power’s Net Surplus Compensation (NSC) will remain exactly the same for SBP customers as it is applied for NEM customers and will be based on total net generation and the current NSC rate plus Community Power’s adder of $0.0075. SDG&E reclaims ACC/Electricity Export Credit already compensated to the customer during their annual true up/NSC process.
      • NSC values of $100 or more that exceeds any outstanding charges will be sent a payment by check and any NSC less than $100 will be carried forward into the subsequent relevant period.
    • For Commercial Customers, Community Power’s SBP will allow for Export Credits to be used to offset all aspects of your Community Power import charges, including demand charges, regardless of whether they are based on usage in nature or otherwise. SDG&E’s NBT mechanics only allow for credits based on usage in kWh to be offset by charges based on usage in kWh (excluding Demand in kW).

More questions? Reach out to us at 

We will continue to update our website with additional details as our SBP program develops. If you have questions, please reach out to us at