Energy Saving Tips

Learn how to save energy — and save money! Reduce demand on the power grid and spend less on your energy bill with these energy saving tips and tricks.

Energy Efficiency for Every Day

Electricity is more expensive during “peak hours,” (between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.) when electricity is at a high demand, but electricity from renewable resources is less available. Reducing your energy consumption during peak hours can reduce demand on the power grid and help you save on your electric bill.

These tips and tricks can help you save electricity and save money:

In the Kitchen

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Doing Laundry

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Cooling Your Home

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Heating Your Home

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Other Best Practices:

Before 4 p.m.

  • Charge mobile devices and laptops

  • Run dishwashers and other major appliances

  • Allow leftovers to cool before storing in fridge

  • Wash clothes in cold water

  • Close blinds and drapes to keep out heat

  • “Pre-cool” your home by setting your A/C to 72°

Between 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.

  • Unplug unused electrical devices

  • Consider air fryers or microwaves instead of ovens

  • Limit how often you open your fridge or freezer doors

  • Hang dry clothes

  • Use fans instead of A/C, when possible

  • Set your A/C to 78°, if health permits

Energy Saving Programs & Partnerships

We’re proud to share special offers with our partners to help you save energy when it matters most.

OhmConnect can help you reduce your energy bill, and will even pay you for the energy you save! Click here to learn how you can get paid to save energy with OhmConnect.

Need to Find a Cool Zone in San Diego?

The Cool Zone program is an established network of free, air-conditioned settings (such as libraries or community centers) across San Diego County that allow respite for older adults, persons with disabilities or anyone looking to escape the extreme heat during the summer.

Cool Zones are a way for residents to lower individual utility usage and help conserve energy for the whole community.

To locate the Cool Zone site nearest you, click here to view an interactive map with location information or call 2-1-1.

Emergency Preparedness

For tips on what to do in a blackout and other emergency preparedness resources, click here.