Community Solar

San Diego Community Power is committed to expanding renewable energy access through local, small-scale solar projects and will be running annual solicitations to select qualified developers.

What is Community Solar?

San Diego Community Power’s Community Solar program is designed to increase local, new-build, small-scale solar projects in disadvantaged communities (DAC) as defined by CalEnviroScreen 4.0.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has allocated Community Power a total of 20.16 MWs to procure through annual solicitations until the allocation is met. In total, the Community Solar program will offer thousands of Community Power customers a 20% overall bill reduction for up to 20 years, starting in year 2026.  

For more information on DAC-GT, please visit the CPUC’s website.

Are you a developer? Stay up to date and register here for project opportunities.

Resolution E-5246: Approves Community Power’s DAC-GT program implementation plans with modifications.

Detailed Program Information

Project Eligibility Requirements for Community Solar (DAC-GT)

  • The Project must be physically located in or no more than five miles from any DAC-GT eligible community and connecting electrically to a circuit, load or substation within San Diego Gas & Electric’s (SDG&E’s) service territory.
  • The Project must be a new solar Renewable Portfolio Standard (“RPS”)-eligible, in-front-of-the-meter generating facility.
  • Behind-the-meter projects, nonrenewable technologies, and other complementary technologies are not eligible.
  • The Project must have an online date no earlier than 2026.
  • Eligible projects must be sized between 500 kW and 20 MW.
  • The Project must have completed a Phase I Interconnection Study or equivalent.
  • The Project must comply with the California Air Resources Board’s Voluntary Renewable Electricity Program.
  • The Project must institute annual validation and reporting after the retirement of the applicable RECs.
  • The Project must qualify as a Community Solar (DAC-GT) Project pursuant to D.18-06-027, D.18-10-007, and Resolution E-4999.
  • Voluntary inclusion of storage is permitted.