Community Power Plan (CPP)

Through programs, San Diego Community Power (SDCP) can support energy education, the electrification of buildings and transportation, and energy efficiency. The Community Power Plan is SDCP’s five-year strategic plan for selecting, developing, and offering local customer energy programs. These programs are targeted to meet community needs and fill in gaps in program offerings.

Read on to learn more about the development of the Community Power Plan and each chapter. The Community Power Plan is available to read in three languages.

Read in English | Leer en español | Basahin sa Filipino (Tagalog)


SDCP developed the Community Power Plan between July 2022 and May 2023. The first three steps of the process focused heavily on hearing from community members about community priorities, needs, and challenges. The learnings from the community engagement were then paired with a market assessment to determine potential programs that could meet community needs. Once a program prioritization process and an analysis of funding sources was completed, the Community Power Plan was drafted.

In March 2023, SDCP released a public draft of the Community Power Plan in English, Spanish, and Filipino (Tagalog) and sought feedback for 30 days. The final Community Power Plan was approved by SDCP’s Board of Directors in May 2023.

The sections below provide an overview and links to each chapter of the Community Power Plan. See the Resources tab at the bottom of the page for the Community Power Plan’s Appendices and materials from the public comment workshop SDCP conducted. 

SDCP recognizes and appreciates the value and expertise shared by local leaders, residents, community-based organizations, and other community choice aggregators throughout this process.  

Executive Summary

The Community Power Plan will guide the development of customer energy program offerings. Read a summary of how it addresses community needs while fostering a transition to clean energy and emphasizing financial stability, job creation, and environmental benefits.

Read the Executive Summary | Lea el resumen ejecutivo | Basahin ang Ehekutibong Buod

Community Needs Assessment

SDCP conducted a community needs assessment to ensure that investments in programs and initiatives align with the priorities, needs, and goals of its communities. In Chapter 2, you’ll learn more about the various equitable and inclusive engagement methods that were used in response to the diverse needs of SDCP’s communities. More than 3,450 community members were engaged during the community needs assessment.

Read Chapter 2 | Leer capítulo 2 | basahin ang kabanata 2

Program Market Assessment

A program market assessment was conducted to understand the universe of existing energy programs available to SDCP customers and learn from the program experience of organizations similar to SDCP. In Chapter 3, you can read about the assessment of over 200 programs and how similarities and differences were identified across programs.

Read Chapter 3 | Leer capítulo 3 | basahin ang kabanata 3

Program Prioritization Framework

A program prioritization framework tool was created to identify and rank which programs best align with community and organizational priorities. Find out more about how programs were aligned with community and organizational priorities in Chapter 4.

Read Chapter 4 | Leer capítulo 4 | basahin ang kabanata 4

Program Funding Sources

SDCP analyzed the multitude of funding sources available to implement program offerings. This included funding sources that are directly available to customers and those that SDCP can administer on behalf of customers. Chapter 5 outlines optional funding sources available for programs.

Read Chapter 5 | Leer capítulo 5 | basahin ang kabanata 5

Program Recommendations

The results from the community needs assessment, program market assessment, and program prioritization framework informed the 13 program types recommended in the Community Power Plan. In Chapter 6, you can learn more about the program type recommendations, including how each aligns with community and organizational priorities, their associated benefits, and design and funding considerations.

Read Chapter 6 | Leer capítulo 6 | basahin ang kabanata 6

CPP Survey Data Dashboard

SDCP conducted a community needs survey between August 30 and October 15, 2022, that focused on learning about major challenges and issues customers face, how they prioritize energy issues and solutions, what energy improvements they have made to their homes or businesses and what programs they are aware of and/or have participated in the past. SDCP received 2,980 complete responses from community members and businesses within SDCP’s service territory. Click here to view the survey data dashboard.