Power100 Green+ provides 100% renewable, carbon-free, Green-e® certified energy for businesses seeking LEED certification or require Green-e® certification to meet their corporate social responsibility goals.
At $0.02 per kWh more than our standard PowerOn service level, Power100 Green+ allows you to confidently meet your organization’s reliability standards.
Residents and businesses that don’t require specific certification can still get 100% renewable and carbon-free power through Power100.
At San Diego Community Power, we want to empower you to make choices about your electricity.
Learn more about our rates: Residential Rates | Commercial Rates
Explore your service options: PowerBase | PowerOn | Power100
To learn more or change your service plan to Power100 Green+, please reach out to our Contact Center at (888) 382-0169 or email us at CustomerService@SDCommunityPower.org.